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Not performative.    Authentic.

Not imploding.    Thriving.

Not guarded.    Heart & mind wide open.

Not chasing love.    BEING love.

Not Fucks given.    Permission granted (by yourself).

Not overthinking, worry, & anxiety.
Brave, bold action (and the return of your self-respect).

Not fitting in.    BELONGING.

Not different versions of you in different spaces.
The WHOLE YOU - in EVERY space.

It's not a crisis, love.   It's a HOMECOMING.

And it's time to come home to YOURSELF.

The Ultimate Clarity & Calm Immersion

Your Personalized Retreat for Transformation & Tranquility

Escape to a serene setting while receiving personalized coaching designed to foster clarity and calm as you re-imagine your midlife - Picture the comfort and unique charm of an AirBnB stay seamlessly blended with the transformative power of 1-on-1 coaching, all in a welcoming and nurturing environment.

For those of you that don't know, AirBnB was what originally got me into Life Coaching.  So what better way to combine the two things I love so dearly, than to share all the amazing benefits of both my welcoming and relaxing home AND my coaching?


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So here's the deal.
Because there's only so many weeks left in the year,
I'm only opening this up to SIX people right now.

Which means....

If YOU want a complete transformation,
A space to return to yourself,
Impactful 1-on-1 Coaching,
And to have all that while getting
Out of your head,
Out of your home, &
Out of your business
and back INTO your life, 
then you already know what to do.

You've been waiting for the "right time",
and so far it's evaded you.  Why??? 
Because YOU decide what you do with your time.  Period.
Taking action is the only path to make your dreams a reality.
How much longer are you willing to put that off?
Who you are is made up of a million experiences,
not all of which you had any control over.
But where you're going, and who you're going to be?
That part is all on you, Sister.

So you can keep putting it off, waiting for the "right" time.
You can decide NOW is the time, and make it right.
It's up to you.

There are only 6 spots for the rest of the year.
And prices for this experience will never be this low again.

All 6 spots will get an exclusively curated Calm & Clarity kit, during your stay, with some amazing gifts inside, all of which you'll be able use during your experience and beyond,
but will also support the new version of you on the other side. 

But here's the really amazing part.

For the first 2 people that sign up,
you'll also get my FREE bonus, the Internal Compass training.
A unique training that helps you dial into the core pieces of what make you YOU, so you can build Self-Trust, increase your Confidence, and live more Authentically.

And, there's a little surprise mixed in for you too.
I'm launching this experience on my BIRTHDAY, July 5th.

What better way to celebrate than to share two things I love with YOU - Coaching & AirBnB hosting.
So, for anyone that signs up for the experience ON my birthday AND pays in full,

You will also receive a luxurious personalized robe.
Robes are one of my FAVORITE gifts to receive AND give.
And who doesn't love an amazing robe to cozy up in?!?

So, remember......
There's no "right" time.  There's just time, and what you do with it.
This will only be open to SIX amazing women for the rest of 2024.
Your opportunity to lean into your most amazing chapter yet
is here, all you have to do is answer your hearts call.

Ready?!?  Great!  Cause you're Amazing.


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What people are saying about the coach-n-stay experience

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