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Things you need to know about Rebecca
More Than A Life Coach | Weaver of Self-Trust and Authenticity | Empower-er of Strong Babes

First of all, let's talk about the
WHY behind "Marie of Venus"......

Once upon a time there was a girl that didn't know how to love herself.
Then she fell in love.  And that love showed her how to love herself.  There was some grief.  And yet, there was love. 
Lots and lots of love......

Hi, I'm Rebecca Thomas - More Than A Life Coach. 
But I'm so much more than that
(and I know that you are so incredibly dynamic too).









Untitled design

Untitled design





Untitled (Circle Sticker)

Untitled (Circle Sticker)











I'm just a small town girl who
•Was an outcast in High School
•Ran away from home at 16
•Eloped when I was 18
•Chased after a purse thief
•Loves driving
•Craves all things #soulshine
•Can't get enough of paddleboarding
•Is rooting for you

I learn my lessons fast.  I fail forward.  I'm willing to go first. 
And I'm more interested in disrupting the norms than trying
to fit in.

Maybe you're wondering why I'm here. 
Or maybe you're wondering how I became a Life Coach. 

Well, I'm here because I have a purpose - And that purpose is to 1) Bring people together, 2) Spread love and light (cliché, but true), 3) Help others reimagine what is possible, 4) Share my contagious confidence, and 5) Show other women that being ourselves isn't as scary as it can seem.

And how I became a Life Coach - Well, that's a fun(ny) story.
For 20 years I was in the hospitality industry.
I was the chief bartender and manager at a handful of dive bars. 
And my *code name* was "Glitter Tits".  I shit you not.  
But hospitality (ahem, slinging beers and keeping people in line) was NOT it for me.

In 2013 I moved to the Grand Rapids area, and I knew I wanted to make more money.  But I also knew that staying the in the hospitality industry meant leaning into management.  And I knew that wouldn't give me the time I wanted to spend with my son.  So I did what any "normal" person would do - I applied for all the jobs I didn't think I could get and ended up in the email marketing industry working for a business that was like working for "The Office".

A few years in (and one tragedy later) I was still doing email marketing, but wanted to supplement my income.  That's when I stumbled on AirBnB and thought, "Hey, I could do that".  Cause who doesn't invite random strangers into their home (that disrupting the norms vein runs deep, my friends)?

Let's just say once I stopped trying to control what things were supposed to "look like" and started leaning more into what felt right, I found the thing I'd been demanding from the Universe for years - my purpose.  See, over the years I've not only been the shoulder others can lean on, I'm also someone who can hold a TON of compassion, empathy, grace, and space for others.  And I've done SO much work to stop judging myself, that all that rewiring started showing up with others too - less judgment, more love.  

As an AirBnB host that hosts guests IN her home, as an oldest child (and oldest daughter), as someone who memorized names and faces and preferences, along with the ability to read social cues and body language and "in between the lines" of what people were saying, as someone who is HYPER aware of everything going around her and INSIDE of her, somehow all of those pieces magically came together as something that I get to share with others.  

And here's where it gets really cool - Seeing all of those things come together, all those seemingly disconnected pieces, the paths we can't make sense of, the chapters riddled with pain, the shifts, the leaps of faith - I help women take all of those things from their own lives and start to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, they can all come together cohesively to create something we could never fully imagine - But something that's so incredibly beautiful and fulfilling that there's no denying it's what was meant for us.

Trust the process.  Lean into the discomfort.  Self-Compassion and TONS of grace.  
I'm rooting for you.  A lot of life is hard, until it's not.  Midlife isn't a crisis - It's an unraveling.  And I'm here to help you unravel it one moment, one memory, one belief, one feeling, one thought at a time.  You'll go from crawling to walking to falling down to a jog and then a full on run.  You'll stumble along the way, but you'll have people around you to pick you back up.  And never ever EVER forget - You're Amazing.  

Radical Transformation
isn't a "Lone-Wolf" venture.

Want to fast-track your glow-up?  Don't do it alone.

📷: Mod Bettie, Co-Glow-Up Ladies:  Elise Kutt & Nicholette Driggs

What Does It Mean To Transform Your Life?

11 Testimonials Website

11 Testimonials Website

Lire la vidéo

So what else should you know about me?
Who knows (we can figure that out later)? 
But these are some of my favorite things to share.

Hi.  It's Me.        soulshine

Well, friend, that's the cliff notes version.
Want to know more?  Follow me around a bit.
Ask me a question.  I'm an open book.

In the meantime, I'm excited to learn more about YOU.
Don't be a stranger.
Shoot me a message.  Or give me a call.
If I'm not your jam, that's okay. 
Just make sure you find the people that are, okay?
Either way, I'm rooting for you.

Now go be amazing!!!  

All my love 💗

- Rebecca

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Back of shirt design - MOV_edited.png
Back of shirt design - MOV_edited.png
Back of shirt design - MOV_edited.png
Back of shirt design - MOV_edited.png

Contact Me:

  • facebook
  • instagram


©2018 Rebecca Thomas - Empower-er of Strong Babes | Weaver of Self-Trust & Authenticity

A picture of Rebecca, smiling
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